Clear-Com PS-702

Clear-Com PS-702

Clear-Com PS-702

Clear-Com PS-702

Encore Power Supply: 2Ch, 1.2 Amp, 1RU

MSRP: $1,265.00

2-Channel 1-Amp (2-Amp Peak) Rack Mount (1RU) Universal Power Supply. 2-channel x 3 intercom jacks 1 A/B selectable headset jack and 1 program input.

The PS-702 can deliver 1.2 amps at 30 volts DC to two channels. This is sufficient to power up to 40 beltpacks 10 speaker stations or 12 headset stations even under the most demanding conditions. Either channel is capable of supplying up to 1.2 amps. The full current capacity may be divided between the two channels.


Technical Specifications

Program Line Input

Maximum Level before Clipping: >= 20dBu
Input Impedance: >= 5K

Frequency Response
Program Input - Partyline: 200 - 20KHz