Williams Sound NKL 008
Williams Sound NKL 008

Williams Sound NKL 008
Neckloop. 18" cord + adapter. 3.5mm stereo plug. For use only with WAV Pro receiver (WF R2).
- UPC:

Williams Sound
Williams Sound NKL 001
Neckloop. 18" cord. 3.5mm mono plug. For use with all FM, IR and Dig Wave body pack receivers.

Williams Sound
Williams Sound NKL 001-S
Neckloop. 18" cord. 3.5mm stereo plug. For use only with WaveCAST receiver (WF R1).

Williams Sound
Williams Sound WIR RX22-4N-NKL
Body-pack, 4-channel, infrared receiver. 2.3/2.8/3.3/3.8 MHz. Neckloop NKL 001 incuded. No batteries. No earphones.

Williams Sound
Williams Sound STD 008
Flat-panel TV mounting bracket for IR T1 small-area infrared transmitter. Hangs off TV as a portable shelf.

Williams Sound
Williams Sound WND 008
Windscreen for MIC 044, MIC 044 2P, MIC 045, MIC 144, MIC 145 headset microphones.

Williams Sound
Williams Sound EAR 008
Wide-range earphone. Hangs on outside of ear, reversible and adjustable for either ear. Mono 3.5 mm plug

Williams Sound
Williams Sound ANT 024
Dipole wall-mount antenna with F-connector for use with large-area 72 MHz FM transmitters. 75 Ohm.