Whirlwind PB06

Whirlwind PB06

Whirlwind PB06

Whirlwind PB06

Pressbox - Passive, 1-line in, 6-mic out

MAP: $507.00


Pressbox - Passive, 1-line in, 6-mic out

The PB Series expands mic outputs when used with line outs on PRESSPOWER 2 or PRESSMITE active press boxes or any time a line level feed is available.



These passive units distribute one line level input to multiple mic level outputs*. Each output is transformer isolated, provides excellent interchannel isolation and is ground lifted to help eliminate noise problems. Whirlwind TRSP-2F transformers are used throughout.

The boxes are constructed with rugged, cold-rolled steel. with 6 output.

  • Input Impedance: 2k Ohms
  • Output Impedance: 150 Ohms
  • Operating Level: 0 dB input = -43 dB output
  • Channel-to-channel Isolation:
  • 65 dB between vertically adjacent channel pairs, 107 dB between non-vertically adjacent pairs

* Line level signal MUST be provided into these passive press boxes. A microphone directly into the input will not provide enough signal level for proper operation.


Dimensions (Including handle)

  • Model:PB06
  • Length :6.75"
  • Width :5.5"
  • Depth:2.0"