The Sennheiser Sound Academy offers you tailor-made learning systems and expert knowledge on an international level. As the company for professional sound solutions with a long-standing history, we can deepen your knowledge on new products or on service issues even if you already are a professional in your field.
Furthermore, the Sound Academy acts as a knowledge multiplier within the group and brings the Sennheiser community together to share best practices.
The Sound Academy structure is modular: If you are an expert you pick & choose the right expert modules to enhance your know-how even further and maybe in specific areas only; ff you are a newcomer in the domain of sound technologies we have the right learning elements to get you started.
Furthermore, to support your learning curve and keep your attention alive we combine different learning methods: You might study the eLearning module on our latest product online; next month you might discuss its features in a classroom training with your peers and the trainer.
The Sound Academy is your single point of entry and single point of booking for all Sennheiser Product & Service trainings.