Shure Shure GLXD24R+/B87A-Z3 Featuring the industry standard BETA®87A vocal microphone, The half-rack GLXD24+/B87A Dual Band Vocal System delivers superior, tra nsparent digital audio. MSRP: $986.00 MAP: $789.00
Shure Shure GLXD24R+/B58-Z3 Featuring the industry standard BETA®58A vocal microphone, The half-rack GLXD24+/B58 Dual Band Vocal System delivers superior, tran sparent digital audio. MSRP: $886.00 MAP: $709.00
Shure Shure GLXD24+/SM58-Z3 Featuring the industry standard SM58® vocal microphone, The GLXD24+/SM58 Dual Band Vocal System delivers superior, transparent digi tal audio. MSRP: $686.00 MAP: $549.00
Shure Shure GLXD24+/B87A-Z3 Featuring the industry standard BETA®87A vocal microphone, The GLXD24+/B87A Dual Band Vocal System delivers superior, transparent d igital audio. MSRP: $860.00 MAP: $689.00
Shure Shure GLXD24+/B58-Z3 Featuring the industry standard BETA®58A vocal microphone, The GLXD24+/B58 Dual Band Vocal System delivers superior, transparent di gital audio. MSRP: $760.00 MAP: $609.00
Shure Shure GLXD16+-Z3 Wireless Guitar Pedal System with WA305 Premium Guitar Cable, GLXD1+ Digital Bodypack, and GLXD6+ Guitar Pedal receiver. MSRP: $624.00 MAP: $499.00
Shure Shure GLXD14R+-Z3 The GLX-D+ Dual Band Wireless Rack System features the WA302 guitar cable and the GLXD4R+ half-rack receiver. MSRP: $749.00 MAP: $599.00
Shure Shure GLXD14R+/MX53-Z3 The GLX-D+ Dual Band Wireless Rack System features the premium MX153 Headworn Earset for high-quality vocal performance applications and the GLXD4R+ half-rack receiver. MSRP: $1,024.00 MAP: $819.00
Shure Shure GLXD14R+/B98-Z3 The GLX-D+ Dual Band Wireless Rack System features the precision-crafted BETA®98H/C flexible gooseneck microphone for brass, woodwi nd and percussion applications and the GLXD4R+ half-rack receiver. MSRP: $936.00 MAP: $749.00
Shure Shure GLXD14R+/93-Z3 The GLX-D+ Dual Band Wireless Rack System features the miniature wearable WL93 lavalier microphone for spoken word applications and the GLXD4R+ half-rack receiver. MSRP: $836.00 MAP: $669.00
Shure Shure GLXD14+-Z3 The GLX-D+ Dual Band Wireless Bodypack System features the WA302 guitar cable and the GLXD4+ tabletop receiver. MSRP: $624.00 MAP: $499.00
Shure Shure GLXD14+/SM35-Z3 The GLX-D+ Dual Band Wireless Headset System features the durable SM35 Headset Microphone for high-quality headworn vocal performanc e applications and the GLXD4+ tabletop receiver. MSRP: $749.00 MAP: $599.00