Countryman I2CS05WY I2 Instrument Microphone
Countryman I2CS05WY I2 Instrument Microphone

Countryman I2CS05WY I2 Instrument Microphone
I2CS05WY, for WisyCom with Lemo 3 pin (Code WY), (C) Cardioid, (B) Black
- UPC:

Countryman I2CS05WY-SKIT I2 Saxophone and Brass Microphone
I2CS05WY-SKIT, for WisyCom with Lemo 3 pin (Code WY), (C) Cardioid, (B) Black

Countryman I2BS05AZ I2 Instrument Microphone
I2BS05AZ, for Azden with 3.5mm non-locking mono (Code AZ), (B) Bidirectional, (B) Black

Countryman I2CH05AL I2 Instrument Microphone
I2CH05AL, for Audio Limited with Lemo 6 pin (FFA.2C.306) (Code AL), (C) Cardioid, (B) Black

Countryman I2CS05MN I2 Instrument Microphone
I2CS05MN, for MIPRO with Screw on mini 4 pin (Code MN), (C) Cardioid, (B) Black

Countryman I2BS05L3 I2 Instrument Microphone
I2BS05L3, for Line 6 with 1/4in phono right angle (Code L3), (B) Bidirectional, (B) Black

Countryman I2BS05ZX I2 Instrument Microphone
I2BS05ZX, for Zaxcom with Lemo 3 pin (Code ZX), (B) Bidirectional, (B) Black

Countryman I2CS05EV I2 Instrument Microphone
I2CS05EV, for Electrovoice with TA4F (Code EV), (C) Cardioid, (B) Black

Countryman I2CS05TL I2 Instrument Microphone
I2CS05TL, for Telex with Lemo 4 pin (Code TL), (C) Cardioid, (B) Black

Countryman I2OS05MI I2 Instrument Microphone
I2OS05MI, for MIPRO, Beyerdynamic, Peavey with Screw on TA4F (Code MI), (O) Omnidirectional, (B) Black