CCA10i-RigGrid-W Rigging grid for CCA10i speakers, white
Blaze Audio CCA10i-RigGrid-W
Rigging grid for CCA10i speakers, white
CCA10i-RigGrid-W Rigging grid for CCA10i speakers, white
Blaze Audio
Rigging grid for CCA10i speakers, black
Blaze Audio
Constant Curvature Array coherent point source speaker with Blaze 160° symmetrical horizontal pattern control, passive, bi-amped, white
Blaze Audio
Constant Curvature Array coherent point source speaker with 160° Blaze symmetrical horizontal pattern control, passive, bi-amped, black
Blaze Audio
Constant Beamwidth passive coherent point source speaker with Blaze 180° symmetrical horizontal pattern control, passive, bi-amped, white
Blaze Audio
Constant Beamwidth passive 160W point source speaker with Blaze 160° symmetrical horizontal pattern control, white
Blaze Audio
High output 2400W passive subwoofer with extended low frequency reaching 136dB max SPL in baltic birch enclosure, black
Blaze Audio
Dual suspension fly kit for the CBL523 series loudspeakers for flying a single or two-speaker array, white steel
Blaze Audio
U-Bracket for CBL523 series loudspeakers for ceiling and wall mounting, white steel
Blaze Audio
Compact 2-way full-range, bass performance, wide uniform dispersion, minimal design, easy install, white