Atlas Sound SHS-CVR

Atlas Sound SHS-CVR

Atlas Sound SHS-CVR

Atlas Sound SHS-CVR

SHS Clean Room Speaker Cover

MSRP: $37.99
MAP: $32.99


The SHS-CVR is designed to work with the SHS-6T2 strategically hidden speaker, where there is a high sensitivity to clean air. The SHS-CVR easily installs over the SHS opening to create a barrier between the building plenum and the clean sapce. AtlasIED recommends using the SHS-CVR in spaces when paging notifications are as important as the air quality.

Watch the video below to see how easy it is to add the SHS-CVR accessory to a Strategically Hidden Speaker for clean room applications.


  • Durable rubber material
  • Speaker tuning optimized for speech transmission


Warranty Period 12 months from date of purchase